When and How to Get These Four Kinds of Care
Where to go when you need healthcare can depend on the type of care you need. Learn when and how to get these four kinds of care.

Where to go when you need healthcare can depend on the type of care you need. Learn when and how to get these four kinds of care.
Need to see a specialist with your SCAN coverage? Learn when you can book directly (vision, dental, hearing) and when you’ll need a doctor’s referral. Get tips on referrals, approvals, and making appointments—all in one place!
Did you know there’s a specialized Medicare Advantage plan that provides comprehensive, coordinated care for people in senior living communities?
Need help with a bill from a specialist? No problem! Here are some pointers.
A cancer diagnosis can be difficult to deal with. Knowing what to ask and who to turn to for support can help.
SCAN members wanting to get the most out of their Medicare Advantage plan need to know who to call and where to go when they have questions or need care.
The facts are clear. Women who have regular mammograms are less likely to need surgery to remove a breast or to need chemotherapy and more likely to be cured. And now, thanks to mammograms and state-of-the-art cancer treatment, most women with early breast cancer are expected to be long-term survivors. And yet, some women still put off getting a mammogram. Let’s look at the reasons—and see why these excuses just don’t add up.