Pictures of Health

SCAN Health Plan’s motto is to keep its members healthy and independent. But there are many SCAN members--and no one picture of what aging in good health and independence looks like. Many of the seniors in SCAN’s Medicare Advantage plan are creating their own images of healthy, productive and independent lives.
Courting a Healthy, Active Life
“Whatever you do, stay active.ˮ – Christian K., age 72
Christian is one of the nation’s premier pickleball athletes. Since picking up his first pickleball paddle, Christian has won gold and silver medals in the racquet sport. He has qualified three times for the U.S. Open of Pickleball, the annual national tournament for the sport’s top players.
When not competing, Christian teaches pickleball to other seniors. He says pickleball is perfect for older adults because it’s simple to learn, easy to play and a fun way to get exercise, friendly competition and social interaction: “Even seniors who have never played a sport pick it up very easily. You’re also going to meet a lot of nice people.”
Christian enjoys the competition, exercise and social benefits pickleball offers at this time in his life. “It’s easy for a senior on their own to become isolated,” he says. “But I’ve seen people who are quiet and reserved blossom after a few months of playing pickleball.”
Staying active helps Christian feel good and able to do what’s important to him, including being his wife’s caregiver.
Another important part of Christian’s healthy, active life is his job as a SCAN Peer Advocate. “Speaking to members and helping them with their plan keeps my mind going,” he says. “And it feels good to be able to help others.”
Staying Forever Young
“I’m just glad I’m living my best life. It doesn’t get any better than this.ˮ – Donna Y., age 68
If you’re a fan of professional women’s roller derby, you may know Donna. During the 1970s, Donna skated first for the Los Angeles Dons and then for the Los Angeles Thunderbirds.
“Roller derby gave me the opportunity to see the world," Donna says. She competed in professional roller derby for 30 years. Then she began to think of a future that would be easier on her body and give her more time with her young son.
Donna went to work for the post office. For the next 20 years, she continued to be active by walking up to five miles a day, six days a week on the job.
When she eventually retired from her second career, Donna found a new challenge: “I always wanted to write my life story, but it wasn’t until someone said I would never do it that I got it done.” Donna wrote and self-published a book about her life and faith journey in seven months. Now, she has ideas for a second book and a devotional calendar.
In this newest chapter of her life, Donna is a SCAN Peer Advocate. She says she loves helping SCAN members get what they need to be healthy and independent.
“I’ve been able to stay active and keep going,” Donna says. “I want to show my grandchildren that you can dream and that your dreams don’t have to diminish with age.”
Building a Life to Last
“An old car that’s been well taken care of will look and drive like a brand-new car. That’s the car I want to be.ˮ – Ed N., age 73
Creating sand sculptures started as a hobby. In his free time, Ed and his architect neighbor would enter (and often win) local sandcastle competitions. Eventually, Ed retired from his job—and his hobby became a business that’s helping Ed stay active and healthy.
Today, Ed and the Archisand team build elaborate sand sculptures at corporate events across the country. Archisand’s client list includes Volkswagen, Toyota and Major League Baseball.
The work is physical: One sculpture can require the team to haul 100 tons of sand to the build site. The sand is pounded into forms, fine-carved and then smoothed to look like stone. Ed says building the sculptures is “a great workout” that helps him stay physically fit.
Ed says that being part of a team and having something fun, interesting and challenging to look forward to are good for his mental health and quality of life, too. “It’s really the positive energy that drives your life and makes it better,” he says.
Each morning Ed jots down five tasks to accomplish that day. It’s a habit he saws gives structure to his day that he was missing when he retired. Ed’s blueprint for any given day may include pounding sand, playing a game of softball or cleaning out the garage.
“Everybody’s a little different—things that would be great for one person may not be great for another,” he admits. “But if you’re going to live a long time, at some point you’re going to have to figure out what brings value to your life and do the things that you look forward to.”
If you have don’t have a Medicare Advantage plan, look at the comprehensive coverage, award-winning service and extensive network of caring physicians offered by SCAN Health Plan.