Showing 71 - 80 of 140 Results


What is the difference between automatic deduction from Social Security and Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)?

Social Security and Railroad Retirement Boarding are two separate entities where members can have their premiums withheld from their benefit checks if...


Changing to a Different Doctor and/or Medical Group

SCAN wants you to have a positive and satisfying relationship with the people providing your healthcare. And we’re always ready to help make that happen...


Get your medications shipped to you.

Get your medications shipped to you. Having trouble getting to the pharmacy every month to pick up your medications? Try Home Delivery from Express Scripts...


Switch to a Preferred pharmacy.

Switch to a Preferred pharmacy. Consider getting medications at SCAN Preferred pharmacies. These are retail pharmacies within the SCAN network that offer...


Try a pill box.

Try a pill box. If you take multiple medications, it can be hard keeping track of everything. And missing just a few doses can make a big difference. Purchase...


Sign up for auto-refill.

Sign up for auto-refill. Want to take the guesswork out of when to refill your prescriptions? Most pharmacies have auto-refill programs for medications...


If I travel outside the SCAN service area and need emergency care, what should I do?

All of our plans cover emergency and urgent care anywhere in the United States, and some plans even include worldwide coverage. In an emergency, get medical...


How often will I get a bill from SCAN and when is payment due?

Your bill will come in the mail around the 15th of every month. Your payment is due on the 1st of each month. Please note that payments received after...


How can I find out what my benefit allowance is?

You can find your benefit allowance in your EOC.


Where can I find a catalog?

A catalog can be mailed to you or you can view the catalog for your plan here.

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