DHCS Alternative Access Standards

SCAN Health Plan is required to provide timely access to care for beneficiaries. The time and distance standards are set by the State of California and can be found here: https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/formsandpubs/Documents/FinalRuleNAFinalProposal.pdf.

Exceptions can be made to the time and distance standards if the plan has demonstrated to the Department of Healthcare Services that its delivery structure is capable of delivering the appropriate level of care and access through the alternative access application.

SCAN Health Plan has received an exception to the Alternative Access Standards in the following zip codes below.

If your zip code and provider type are listed, SCAN must help you find an appointment. You have a right to call 1-800-559-3500 to get help with finding an appointment to a closer specialist. If SCAN cannot find you an appointment with a closer specialist, SCAN will arrange transportation to see the specialist.

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