
Culturally Sensitive MA Plans Specifically for You

Look for a plan that fits you better. SCAN offers several Medicare Advantage plans tailored to the unique needs of Asian Americans, women and people who identify as LGBTQ+.
Culturally Sensitive MA Plans Specifically for You


Culture and identity are a combination of many things—from lifestyle, language and values to your personal experiences and needs. It’s what makes you, you and connects you to others.

Despite the importance of these factors, health insurance companies typically use a one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone gets the same benefits, regardless of their needs and preferences.

In recent years, Medicare Advantage companies have started offering health plans tailored to specific groups. These plans offer unique benefits that make it easier to get needed care.

Why Being Sensitive to Culture and Identity Matters in Healthcare

Not everyone in the U.S. gets the same level of healthcare. People in minority groups are less likely to see a primary care doctor routinely.1 Without basic care, they may end up in the emergency room more often2 and have poorer overall health.1 Women may also have a hard time getting the right diagnosis and timely treatment.3

The medical community can help reduce these differences by providing care that respects each person's individual needs, language preference, and concerns about discrimination.

What Is a Culturally Sensitive Medicare Advantage Plan?

Cultural sensitivity also applies to health insurance. It starts with offering plans focused on the needs of specific communities.

Medicare Advantage companies are in a special position to create culturally appropriate options. Medicare Advantage Part C plans must cover the same services as Original Medicare. But they’re flexible and can include additional benefits for their diverse members.

Of course, just because something can be done, doesn’t mean someone will. You won’t find too many plans that provide culturally appropriate coverage. SCAN is one of the few companies leading the effort.

What to Look for in a Culturally Sensitive Plan

If you’re 65 or older, you have many health insurance options. Depending on where you live, those options may include one or more culturally sensitive Medicare Advantage plans. Features to look for when shopping around include:

Customized Benefits

Would you like coverage for specific therapies or wellness activities? Do you want lower out-of-pocket costs for the medications you need to be healthy? A culturally sensitive plan should offer the benefits that matter most to you.

Culturally Aware Providers

Your relationship with your doctor plays an important role in your health and the care you receive. Ideally, you should feel like your doctor understands you and is your partner in all aspects of your care.

Medicare Advantage plans often use networks of doctors, specialists and other healthcare providers to deliver care. Your network should include providers who specialize in treating people just like you.

Personalized Assistance

Getting the most out of your health plan isn’t always easy. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to guide you? Some plans offer coaches or care coordinators who:

  • Get to know you and your health priorities
  • Help you find a doctor who makes you feel comfortable
  • Provide information and resources to help you overcome challenges, make important health decisions and reach your health goals

SCAN’s Culturally and Identity-Tailored Medicare Advantage Plans

At SCAN, you’ll find plans tailored to the needs of:

  • Asian Americans: SCAN Allied includes $0 copays for unlimited acupuncture visits and provider networks rooted in the Asian community. Our flexible allowance benefit provides an expanded coverage for over-the-counter items and local fitness activities. Those who qualify can also use their allowance for healthy groceries at many locations, including popular Asian markets.
  • People who identify as LGBTQ+: SCAN Affirm was the first plan in the U.S. designed to meet the needs of older LGBTQ+ adults. Benefits include lower copays for HIV treatments and gender-affirming hormone therapy. You also have a care coordinator to help you find doctors who are inclusive in their approach to care.
  • Women: SCAN Inspired provides a women’s health coach and comprehensive fitness benefit. Our network also includes doctors who specialize in women’s health issues, including heart, breast and pelvic health.
SCAN Medicare Advantage plans provide many value-added benefits, such as:

Learn More About SCAN

At SCAN, our mission is to help you stay healthy and independent, for as long as possible. To find out more about our culturally sensitive Medicare Advantage plans, use our online search tool. If our Allied, Affirm and Inspired plans are available in your area, you’ll find them listed among your plan options.

You can also contact us for assistance and support at:

  • 1-800-559-3500 for current SCAN members
  • 1-877-452-5898 for nonmembers
1 American Medical Association. Reducing disparities in health care. Published online October 23, 2023.
2 Parast L, Mathews M, Martino S, Lehrman WG, Stark D, Elliott MN. Racial/Ethnic Differences in Emergency Department Utilization and Experience. J Gen Intern Med. Published online April 5, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s11606-021-06738-0.
3 World Economic Forum. Women's health gap: 6 conditions that highlight gender inequality in healthcare. Published online October 14, 2024.
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