Beat Holiday Blues
“Holiday blues” may not be its real medical name, but the melancholy brought on by the season’s stress can be very real for some people. Thinking a bit now about how you can reduce or cope with the season’s challenges may help you feel more good tidings and less stress this holiday.

1. Ask, ‘‘What do I think will make this time of year hard for me?’’ Is someone you care about far away? Did you lose a loved one recently? Is money on your mind? What could make it easier?
You might plan activities to remember a loved one or come up with ways you and family can exchange gifts of each other’s company instead of store-bought presents.
2. Go easy on yourself. What do you do when every TV commercial is telling you the holidays are supposed to be filled with joy and cheer—but that’s not the way you feel?
Consider adding gratitude to your everyday routine. Start each day by saying, “Today I’m grateful for ... (fill in the blank).” And if it’s people you’re grateful for, let them know it. You may be surprised how focusing on the positives in your life can multiply, spread and come back to you.
3. Make a date with distraction. Put several dates on your calendar throughout the holidays for activities you enjoy. Looking forward to lunch with a friend, a getaway trip, a concert or other kind of fun can help you focus on a brighter path.
4. Whenever possible, choose positive people and activities. Spend your time with people who inspire and support you—the positive vibes will rub off on you and the people around you. Looking for a way to feel good and help others feel that way, too? Consider volunteering for a cause that matters to you. Many charitable organizations are busy during the holidays and would be happy for the help!
For a quick mood lift, put on a favorite song. Getting outdoors can help, too—even a short while in the fresh air can do wonders for your outlook.
5. Look for warning signs. Take a beat each day to consider how you’re feeling.
- Have you been feeling sad for no reason?
- Are you eating or sleeping much more or less than usual?
- Have you lost interest in things you normally enjoy?
- Are you drinking more alcohol than is good for you?
If you're having symptoms that won't go away, talk with your doctor or a behavioral health professional about what can help you to feel better and get through the holidays. Many SCAN plans include a Telehealth benefit for behavioral health virtual visits. Go to for more information.