Are You Ready for This?

1. Make sure you’re signed up for your SCAN online member account.
An online account connects you with personalized information about your SCAN benefits. Not
signed up yet? Your account is waiting for you at
2. Let us know how you want to receive information from us.
If you haven’t already done so:
- Log into your SCAN online account
- Go to “My Account”
- Click on “Communication Preferences”
Check the boxes to let us know which information you want to get by mail or online. Don’t forget to check whether it’s OK for us to text you with reminders, too. Would you prefer to hear from us in a language other than English? Click on “Language Preferences” to let us know.
3. Make sure we’ve got your correct email address.
The email address we have for you will be listed under “My Account.”
Important to know:
The online account is changing so that your email address can be used for only one SCAN online account. So, if you and your spouse share an email address, now’s the time to get your own.
Call HEALTHtech if you need help setting up a new email address: 1-833-437-0555.

Squash the Flu Bug
The flu bug is still alive in your community! If you haven’t already had a flu shot this season, get one now to protect yourself and the people around you. A flu shot is THE most effective way to avoid getting sick with the flu and flu-related complications.
Get your flu shot at your doctor’s office or local pharmacy. There’s no copay, so getting the shot doesn’t cost you anything. Not getting one, however, could end up costing you your good health.