Thank You for Enrolling with SCAN Health Plan!
What to Expect Next
You’ve sent in your SCAN enrollment form—so now what happens?
In the coming weeks, you’ll receive the following:
Approval letter. This letter will let you know if your enrollment with SCAN has been approved by Medicare.
Your SCAN member ID Card. Put this in your wallet or purse so you have it when you go to the doctor, hospital or pharmacy.
Once you get your ID card, you can call SCAN Member Services with any questions about your new plan:
1-800-559-3500 (TTY: 711)
April 1 – Sept. 30, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday – Friday
Oct. 1 – March 31, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., seven days a week
Messages received on holidays and outside of normal business hours will be returned within one business day.
Or email them!
(Medicare and Medi-Cal eligible members, call 1-866-722-6725.)
Quick Start Guide. This will arrive with your ID card and is filled with information to help you get your membership started off right. You’ll receive this in the mail even if you signed up to receive future plan materials online.
Want to get a head start? Our Quick Start Guide is available online!
Welcome call. In your first few months of membership, you’ll receive a welcome call and/or an invitation to join an informational conference call. Both are designed to help you get the most out of your new health plan.
SCAN Club member newsletter. This newsletter is just one of the ways we stay in touch with plan updates, health reminders and more.
You might also get:
A call to arrange for health services (if you filled out the “coordination of care” form when you enrolled). Expect this call shortly before/after your membership takes effect.
An offer to help with costs. This letter tells you how to get help with your Medicare premiums and other healthcare costs (sent only to those who qualify).
A health risk assessment questionnaire. This survey covers your current health—including how you’re doing physically and emotionally, your lifestyle and any health issues you may be experiencing—and gives us a better understanding of how to serve you. You don’t have to take the survey—your SCAN benefits won’t be affected in anyway if you choose to take the survey or not—but if you receive this, we encourage you to fill it out and return it.
You may receive other materials not listed here.