매장에서 건강 증진하기
Did you know there’s a specialized Medicare Advantage plan that provides comprehensive, coordinated care for people in senior living communities?
Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans are two ways to close the coverage gaps in Original Medicare.
SCAN 온라인 회원 계정은 항상 안전하고 비공개이며 SCAN 플랜에 대한 정보와 답변을 제공하는 원스톱 지원처입니다. 최근 온라인 계정 사용 시 더욱 편리하고 안심할 수 있도록 몇 가지 변경사항을 적용했습니다.
Medicare plans and benefits can be complicated. Even long-time SCAN members tell us they’re not entirely clear on how their health plan works. So, whether you’re new to Medicare, new to SCAN or have been with SCAN for years, this Medicare plan and benefit information will help you make the most of your Medicare benefits and services.