More Health in Store
If you have a SCAN online member account, be on the lookout for some improvements that will make it even more useful for managing your care and SCAN benefits. Until then, here are three things you can do to be up and running when your new, improved SCAN online account goes live.
Wondering where to find a list of all the medications SCAN covers? Find out here... and how you can save money on them, too!
It’s the Medicare Advantage annual enrollment period (AEP), which means scammers are once again targeting your Medicare benefits.
Wondering about your 2025 SCAN benefits? Find key details in your SCAN member account, online resources, and upcoming mail—no phone call required!
Need help with a bill from a specialist? No problem! Here are some pointers.
Need help communicating with your doctor in English? SCAN offers interpreters for various languages, including American Sign Language.
You don't need to call to reach SCAN Member Services. Learn other convenient ways to contact us here!
Q: I’ll be moving next month but staying in the same town. When is the best time to call Member Services to let them know my new address?