Message From the CEO
Caring for Our Communities

You may know that SCAN was founded in 1977. But you may not know that we didn’t start out as a health plan.
SCAN was created to connect older adults to the services available in the community—the type of support that would help them remain in their own homes.
Then, when the chance came to work with the federal government and start a senior-focused health plan, we jumped at it. But as a not-for-profit company, giving back is part of our mission. So, I wanted to use this space to share just a few of the ways we’re giving back to the communities we serve.
Healthcare in Action (HIA): We started HIA in 2021 to help address the issue of homelessness by bringing healthcare to older adults living on the streets. And we’ve been amazed at the impact this has made! When people have regular care from people they trust, it allows them to address other issues in their lives. We’ve even seen some of our patients move into stable housing. HIA has “street teams” delivering care throughout Southern California and in San Mateo County.
Community Giving: Through grants and sponsorships, we’re able to support those organizations who make a real difference on a very local and even individual level. Organizations that serve seniors who might need help getting food or their prescription medications one month, for example, or repairing or replacing a critical appliance. Last year, we gave over a million dollars to organizations in California, Arizona, Texas and Nevada.
I want to assure you that these community programs are paid for separately from our health plan operations. Yet, they are a key part of who SCAN is. Our community roots are still strong. Our heart is with older adults and those who are most in need of care and support. I’m proud of these efforts and hope you feel a sense of pride in your health plan, too.
Warm wishes,
Sachin H. Jain, MD, MBA, FACP
Chief Executive Officer
SCAN Health Plan